The Saudi Aramco Cultural Program is one of the largest festival held in Saudi Arabia during the summer period.

Hosted in the Saudi Aramco Cultural Park, combine a variety of activities for youth and families.

The village of 9.200 sqm of  covered areas was built from scratch in less than 45 days by a number of locals and internationals professionals and suppliers.

The fully branded structures exposed to the strong windy and harsh weather were both certified by our health and safety department and approved by the Saudi Aramco American safety standard.

The production team worked 24/7 to deliver a great result that raised the expected standard in terms of quality and design.

Within the main deliverables the team designed and built from A to Z  2 large structures with 12 classrooms each (iSpark), a Food Court, the Awareness and Children Oasis, the Valencia Academy (covered football field) and the Live Performance tent (a full HD equipped theatre for 800 pax, including a large foyer with integrated ticketing office and backstage areas and facilities).

Beside the main structure we also had to look after all the infrastructure needed to handle this type of program in a country where the heat can rise above the 50° at night for more than a month.

Clinic, prayer areas, production office, reception, VIP lounge all powered and conditioned for more than 3 months.

Full broadcast coverage of the all village and activities, live stream on 2 large outdoor LED screen, great mood and atmosphere.

The village run in 2 different period for a total of 45 days hosting more than 675.000 people. A challenging project that was only possible thanks to the great effort and dedication of the all team at any stage.