Location: Ritz Carlton Hotel -Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)


Event produced by Simmetrico in collaboration with Moments International.

KAPSARC (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center) is an energy and environmental research center based in Saudi Arabia.

The aim of the Centre is motivate companies and polical to take real actions that produce tangible results for a sustainable energy future.

The international conference 2011 energy dialogue, which was held in Riyadh in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, for KAPSARC was an opportunity to explore the theme of  renewable energy and the presentation of new research center.

The branding plan is perfectly integrated with the spaces of conference, without altering the existing architecture.

Since the arrival at the airport, as well as in all conference areas, the presence of the logo Kapsarc feel guests part of the event.

Particular emphasis was given to the area of credit where the multi-functional reception desk incorporates a scale model of the research center.

Even in the conference room the concept of the logo has declined both in terms of colors and brand identity.

Characterizing element of the set up was a large stage with a screen standing: 24 meters wide and 5 meters tall with a slight curve that envelops the audience and involve him in the debate.

The entire structure of the stage is white and it is with the help of a detailed light design project that it takes color. The lighting system has also given emphasis to the elements present on the stage, a podium and a table in a metal grille inspired by the pattern of the project by Zaha Hadid for the buildings of the new Kapsarc research center.

During the three-day conference took turns Distinguished representatives of the energy sector: Aramco CEO Khalid Al Falih, the Minister of Finance HE Ibrahim Al-Assaf, Secretary General of OPEC Austria HE Abdulla el Badri, OPEC Governor for Saudi Arabia, HE Majid Al-Monef, as well as the Executive Director of IEA France, Maria van der Hoeven.

The first day of inauguration, culminating with a celebratory dinner which was attended, among others, the Minister of Petroleum H. E. The Ali Al-Naimi.

The conference ended with a typical dinner in a marquee, set up for the occasion, and flanked by some Bedouin tents where guests have appreciate some of proper characters of Saudi culture: dancing, singing , exhibition of traditional architecture, food tasting, tea and Arabic coffee. Simmetrico and Moments International have provided to their client the support on entire project: creativity, production, staging, management and coordination of accreditation and catering services